In the next year, I would like to:
1. Become healthier. Start exercising, eat better food, etc. As far as exercise, I'm starting with running. My strategy is to work on exercise that will easily translate into making my life more fun. Jogging/running will maybe help with hiking, swimming should make exotic vacations more fun as I will be able to paddle around lagoons, that type of thing.
2. Relearn how to swim. Sadly, the only kind of swimming I can still do is dogpaddling. The last time I tried to do some simple strokes across a pool, my backhalf sank in the water! Even if I have to start at the beginning, I want to be able to swim again.
3. Knit a baby sweater. Ever since my baby was born, my knitting has virtually stopped. It's hard to knit with a baby in your lap, grabbing at the needles! I really enjoy it, though, and I have this huge list of things I want to make, so I want to begin again. I'm going to start with a baby sweater, knit in the round. Hopefully I knit many things this year, but at the very least I would like to get that sweater under my belt!
4. Make time for friends. I need to make time to talk on the phone with friends who are far away, and to regularly meet up with friends in the city. So fun, and yet I have been doing both things so rarely!
5. Get organized. Organize my house, organize my computer, everything in its place. We just moved to a new apartment, I have a new computer, new job... this seems like the perfect time.
6. Do one new thing a week. I live in one of the greatest cities in the world, and it seems like months go by in which I do the same old things... same old restaurants, same old activities, same old everything. This year, I vow to do at least one new thing a week, however small.