Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One New Thing: Check Out a Book From the Library... On My Kindle

Today, my request for a kindle book from the library was finally ready! I'm embarrassed to say what the book was, because I have become so one-dimensional and boring. But I just downloaded it and opened it up on my kindle, and I have it for 21 days! And this happened without me having to drag myself to the library. Woohoo! I hope in the land of the future I can get all of my books on the kindle. Then I wouldn't have to worry about picking things up and turning them in on time... it would be truly wonderful.

Speaking of kindles, a certain very small person sort of broke mine somehow. The plastic near the screen is bubbling up in one part, where the hinge joins the kindle to its case. I can't figure out how to get the dumb thing out of its case, so I can try to fix it! It seems to still be working though. Fingers crossed!



jh said...

I still love my books to read at night, but oh it would be nice not to lug the library books back and worry about getting them back on time or renewing. How fun.

Sorry you have a bubbly screen.

Cate said...

I need to try this. I'm ready the psychopath book you guys recommended from the library and it's good so far, but it's also scaring me! Psychopaths are everywhere!!