Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Recipe in Progress: Monkey Bread

For Christmas breakfast, we decided to make monkey bread. I had never had monkey bread before, so I was pretty excited. AND mom had just sent up a special bundt pan, expressly so we could make monkey bread. The world was our oyster!

I used the recipe from the Pioneer Woman website.

I am sorry to say that many disasters befell my monkey bread. First, the bundt pan I had was a two-piecer. You could lift out the middle part, which I guess is a nice feature if you are making a bundt cake. But for the monkey bread, you pour on this buttery, sugary glaze... And it dripped right out of the bottom! Ten minutes after I had put it in the oven, I smelled something strange. And about two sticks worth of buttery sauce was all over the bottom of my oven! After I had cleaned up the mess (or actually, after Ben cleaned up the mess), I stuck the monkey bread bundt pan inside of another cake pan, so there would be no more leaks. Which was good, because pretty much all of the remaining butter glaze leaked out during the rest of the cooking time.

So after forty-five minutes, the top of the monkey bread looked nice and golden and hard. Time to take it out. But the monkey breads at the bottom were still doughy and semi-raw. WHY? Also, my monkey bread was like four times as tall as the one in the Pioneer Woman picture. And my tubes of biscuit dough looked much fatter to me. Did I get the wrong kind of biscuit tubes? They were the only kind I saw!

So anyway, many disasters. But I actually really enjoyed the monkey bread anyway. I will continue trying to get it right. But you know what? I don't think I want all that buttery glaze that leaked out! Just the biscuits dipped in cinnamon and sugar would probably be A-OK for me. So next time I make this recipe I might put in less glaze.



Kaye said...

We use Paula Deen's recipe for Gorilla Bread every Christmas Morning. The only problem we have is that the toffee topping gets super chewy after it cools. You have to eat it popping hot. I, of course, skip the nuts it calls for.

Paula says to use the 10 count biscuits and not GRANDS. Yours looks really good though!

Kristin said...

Yup, I thought I would work up from monkey bread to gorilla bread. Getting closer and closer to human bread! Meg said gorilla bread has cream cheese in it, which sounds super decadent!

jh said...

It looked really great. The pan I sent up was actually an angel food cake pan and not a bundt pan. The bundt pans don't have the removable part like you said. They are a little smaller, too.

I just like the cinnamon/sugar, too. I can't do really, really sweet in the morning.

jh said...

I forgot to say, we tried Kaye's recipe on Christmas and it turned out very good.

Kaye said...

Yours called for an extra stick of butter and an extra can of biscuits. So maybe if I used an extra stick of butter the toffee would stay soft and not turn into a Heath bar coated cream cheese filled biscuit. I shall experiment next year! The oozing toffee in the oven was terrible to read about! I could smell the burnt smell in my head. I did that on Thanksgiving. The house smelled all wonderful and then I threw marshmallows on the yams and two fell on the bottom of the oven and I couldn't get them out. All you smelled all day was burnt marshmallow!