Once the book was in my hands I saw that it was by Kurt Vonnegut, which made the selection a little less troubling. I hadn't read anything by him since high school, so it was definitely time for a re-visit. I remember liking him a lot, but can only vaguely remember one short story, maybe about Einstein's dog? Or maybe it was Edison. I think the dog told him how to invent the light bulb. (I choose to look at this story as a historical account.)
A few pages into the book I sighed with relief, realizing this was not a book about Bluebeard the horrid. Cat was transformed from a sadistic psychopath back to the girl next door. I feel a little guilty about jumping to conclusions about the blackness of her soul so quickly, but they always say about serial killers, "They seemed so harmless!", so you can never be too wary of your best friends and family members.
Instead, this book is about an old, crotchety, lonely, reclusive, cyclopean ex-artist who suddenly finds his life again when two house guests come to stay. One convinces him to write his memoirs, resulting in Bluebeard. It's an intermingling of his past and his present, so we see how he came to be who he is today and how he's changing with his two housemates around to pester him back into existence. And like every good book, there is a mystery. The mystery of what he has locked in the old potato barn out back. Everyone is just dying to know.
Although perhaps not a masterpiece, this was a nice, light and entertaining read. It went by quickly and I wasn't bored for a moment! And yes, I do know what's in the potato barn, but I'm not telling.
- Megan Leigh
What is a cyclopean? I'm too lazy to look it up.
i think it means one eye--like a cyclops. megan is trotting out her big words!
adjective for cyclops. i had to look it up. i went for cycloptic first, but then thought i should research and use the correct term.
The Flying Purple People eater was also cyclopean.
I never realized how scary those creatures were until seeing it written down!
I don't remember what was in the potato barn! But it would be a good place to store bodies.
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