Although Kristin and I both share the goal to eat healthier, I want to go a step further and eat meatless. I think it would be a huge boost to my happiness if, with every bite of a meal I take, I don't have to imagine a scared cow right before it (hopefully) gets a bolt shot through its brain. Or a baby chick getting the tip of his beak snipped off. Or a poor pig who has been so genetically altered that he can no longer go in the sun. Recently Kristin put veal in her meatballs and I'm pretty sure a little piece of my soul turned black and withered away after eating them.
So this week I made Fannie Farmer's Veggie Paella found on this blog. Although the general consensus of the family was that is was 'very good', I thought it wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst. It was definitely not an easy recipe as it included a ton of vegetables that needed to be chopped. Luckily I had a sister to put to work. Had she not been here to help chop up a storm I don't believe the end product would have justified all of the time and effort. I must say, however, that it was one pretty bowl of food and there were a ton of leftovers.
- Megan Leigh
So maybe you could add something or take out something that would have made it better? Thanks for the pretty picture.
I thought this picture made it look kind of nuclear-radiation-ish. The neon yellow glow against the black background. It really was very pretty though!
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