Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good Food: Eggplant Mykonos

I am putting this one under the good food category defiantly, since Megan didn't like this recipe. But I did, a lot!

It is from the Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home cookbook. It is full of eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, and dill, and it's topped with yummy feta cheese. What's not to like? I would recommend it to anyone. It is easy to make and delicious! It is vegetarian, and it could be vegan if you left off the cheese. But I don't recommend that.

Megan maintains that the eggplant tasted weird (it was some special kind called "neon" eggplant that is light purple and very pretty) and that dill is gross. But then she wanted me to make some kind of dill dip in a rye bread bowl. And everybody knows that rye bread is gross...


Eggplant is my favorite vegetable. I could eat it everyday! I tell you these things because I want you to know that I know my eggplant and this was no good. HAD the eggplant been normal and HAD there been no dill I could get on board with this recipe. However, things happened as they did and I could only say BLARGH.

- Megan Leigh

1 comment:

jh said...

It is strange, but I only like dill in the rye bread dip, too! I do love rye bread, though.