Thursday, September 8, 2011

Read More: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4)The Harry Potter quest continues in the action packed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. On the cover of this book he looks pretty darn excited -- like he's conjuring tons of candy or naked ladies, but I must say it was the roughest year yet for poor Harry. Ron gets a visit from the green eyed monster (I should point out I mean this figuratively since there is actually the possibility he gets a visit from a green eyed monster) and turns his back on his best friend when he needs him most. Harry's crush finds an older, more handsome beau. It seems he just can't win... or can he?

Before I started reading the books I was under the impression that Harry Potter was a sad wizard wuss who needed Hermione to bail him out of all his sticky situations, but Harry has really proven himself in book 4. I understand why the wizards and witches look on Harry as a hero. This muggle gives you two thumbs up, Orphan Potter!

This weekend Elliot and I will watch the fourth movie and then I can start on book 5! I can't wait! I snuck the first couple chapters in today before I slapped my hand until it closed the book. I'll have to keep repeating 'no cheating, no cheating' because the suspense is really getting to me.

- Megan Leigh


jh said...

Do you know what the +1 means on your happiness page? I was going to click it, but don't know what it means. It is in a row with other things you can click.

Megan Leigh said...

It's a google+ thing. Like a facebook 'like'.