Before I started reading the books I was under the impression that Harry Potter was a sad wizard wuss who needed Hermione to bail him out of all his sticky situations, but Harry has really proven himself in book 4. I understand why the wizards and witches look on Harry as a hero. This muggle gives you two thumbs up, Orphan Potter!
This weekend Elliot and I will watch the fourth movie and then I can start on book 5! I can't wait! I snuck the first couple chapters in today before I slapped my hand until it closed the book. I'll have to keep repeating 'no cheating, no cheating' because the suspense is really getting to me.
- Megan Leigh
Do you know what the +1 means on your happiness page? I was going to click it, but don't know what it means. It is in a row with other things you can click.
It's a google+ thing. Like a facebook 'like'.
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