Monday, August 29, 2011

One New Thing: The Hamilton Grange Library

Elliot, Megan, and I ventured out to our new library today. It is in a beautiful building on 145th street, and the kid's section is great--it's the entire second floor. We were in a hurry because we didn't have much time, but Elliot checked out the DVDs, futilely scouring the shelves for a Ben Ten or a Power Rangers ("What about a Fairy Tale Theatre?" I said hopefully, hearing how lame I sounded as the words came out of my mouth). Megan picked up some DVDs she had requested, including the first season of the Norm McDonald show, which she is super excited about. I got a step by step book about learning how to swim. It starts with floating on your back, which I can definitely do, so that is a confidence booster. 

There is this amazing old school building down the block from the library, with trees growing inside and poking branches out of the huge windows. Elliot begged us to sneak inside, but I told him you can't be an Urban Explorer in the daytime. Besides, I told him, you are too young. He pointed out that this job is tailor-made for a "little guy," which I guess is true. So maybe tonight I will turn him loose on the city and give him permission to slip into abandoned buildings.


What I especially liked about this library was that they have a woman I will call The Enforcer. She shooshed people, made kids stop running, told adults to get off their damn cell phones in the library.... Every New York library needs one!

- Megan Leigh


jh said...

Every library does need an enforcer. I liked Elliot's comment about being little. Are there Urban Explorers out and about at night?

Kristin said...

Wouldn't it be cute if they had little urban explorer teams? It would be like boy scouts, but they would trespass instead of earning badges.