Sunday, October 9, 2011

One New Thing: MWAPE Peer Awards

Poppy's wonderful teacher, Mbumwae, also happens to be an accomplished dancer, and she told us that she would be dancing at a Zambian event. We were excited to finally get to see her dance! So this Saturday, we lobbed off the kids on a generous friend, and spent the evening at the MWAPE Peer Awards, an event where awards are given to Zambians and members of the Zambian diaspora for doing amazing things.

It was a lovely (and for us, fancy!) night of dinner, dancing, and meeting many new people. It was a lot of fun to see Mbumwae and everybody else dancing and having so much fun. And it was very inspiring to hear about all the things that the awardees had accomplished--they included everybody from filmmakers and lawyers to economists. Mbumwae also has a charitable foundation that aims to improve women's lives, and it had a table at the event. If you would like to check it out, you can look at the website here.

Ben was the photographer for this event and yours truly was the videographer, so we got a lot of photos. Here are a few!



jh said...

What an interesting and fun evening you had. And you guys got to go together!

I heard "This American Life" yesterday about a guy in a detention center in China. They had to do skits for a program and this guy did the Hokie Pokey with two other inmates for his. It went over well. I wondered what dance we would do. Moon dances with scarves?

Poppy's teacher must be very, very talented.

Cate said...

Zambia! I you know I love Zambia. Sounds like it was a great event!

Kristin said...

Ah, I forgot you went there, Cate! You should have been there!